We are Ghazi & Lim, a legal firm established in 1992 and practising nationwide in Malaysia in all disciplines and aspects of Malaysian legal practice . Presently we have forty-three lawyers, fourteen of whom are partners and more than 100 support staff operating from our offices in Penang, Butterworth, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. The firm deals in all areas of Malaysian legal practice and its team of lawyers have vast experience in their respective areas of practice.
The services currently provided by the firm include corporate and company matters, banking, real estate and conveyancing, commercial, industrial, criminal and civil litigation, land acquisition and international matters. The firm’s culture is service orientated. With our offices in three of the most industrialized and commercial centre in Malaysia, the firm renders a wide variety of legal services to factories, businesses, corporations and multi-nationals in respect of labour relations, employment law, selected immigration matters, commercial transactions, land dealings, corporate loan and exercises. Members of the firm also liaise with governmental authorities in respect of various licenses and permits. Members of the firm have also frequently been called upon to give talks on a wide range of topics to clients and in seminars and conferences.
Another aspect of the firm’s culture which gives it a competitive advantage is the adoption of a policy of practicing as a coordinated team of lawyers and support staff. This team spirit is especially advantageous to our clients in respect of large scale projects or matters requiring urgent attention.

Some members of the firm have been involved in major matters and matters of public interest. The firm has also been involved in advising clients on major loan transactions (well in excess of RM100 million), government privatization projects, public issues and listing on the Bursa Malaysia, international joint ventures, resort development and administration of large and complex estate matters involving various jurisdictions.